Dynamic features bring some flexibility and additional functionality into the programming language, but at the same moment, this can reduce compile-time safety.

Swift has a strongly-typed system. In the same moment during the last few years, a few dynamic features were added to it. The most interesting are:

Also, it’s good to mention about opposite to @dynamicCallable - static Callable

Some dynamic features were present in language from the very beginning:

  • Mirror.
  • additions from Obj-C (such as KVO, dynamic dispatch, etc) (this still can be used by using @objc, dynamic, NSObject and other modifiers/techniques)

Related articles:

dynamic or static?

Swift is a static type (or strong type) language - this means, that compiler should now all information about all classes, functions, and other types. This means, that all features, that somehow “close the all-seeing eye” of a compiler, can be named as a dynamic feature.

For comparison let’s think about Obj-C - in this language all things are a bit more flexible than in Swift. This is because compiler deferring the bounding process for the all of components as long as it’s possible, as result - u get a great flexibility and a wide possibilities (dynamic typing, dynamic binding, kvc, kvo, forward invokation, swizzling, etc).

The downside of such a process is safety. And Apple knows it.


source from iOS 3 dump of ViewController or wiki

Swift started obtaining a different dynamic feature when support for Linux was added. On Linux, there is no Foundation framework from Apple (at least at the beginning, for now, it’s open-source), so runtime features from Obj-C are not available, but developers still need it, and open-source Swift allows them to do this.

As of now, we have a few of them already added, and a few more are waiting for proposals.


KeyPath - A key path from a specific root type to a specific resulting value type.

KeyPath allows us to get access to type variables using strongly-typed paths that are checked at compilation time.

There are few types of keyPath:

mentioned according to a class hierarchy

It’s also important to understand, that #keyPath added in Swift 3 compiles down into a String. It was added mostly to support Obj-C KVO/KVC and so, requires that our object inherits from NSObject. This off cause introduces some constraints into Swift code.

Such an approach also does not provide any information about the type of object to which it below - it’s just a String. This means, that we can’t work with data processed with a key path as with concrete type data - only as Any.

KeyPath type, instead, is a fast, property traversal, statically type-safe, available for all values and on all platforms where Swift works.

usage of keyPath


subscript also allowed.

based on WWDC 17 #212 What’s New in Foundation


AnyKeyPath does not have some generic constraints, and this type is created for handling any keypath (:]) from any objects. So this type is fully erased, and don’t know about its route and root object.

route means expression, that describes how we can get this property from a specific (or unknown) object. Another name for this object - root

AntKeyPath is used when u have a deal with many keypaths from different objects. This can be an array of items, or input to u’r functions:

final class Bar {
  var foo: Int?

final class Foo {
  var bar: Bar?

let barObject = Bar()
barObject.foo = 1
let fooObject = Foo()
fooObject.bar = barObject

let fooBarKeyPath: AnyKeyPath = \Foo.bar!
let barFooKeyPath: AnyKeyPath = \Bar.foo

let value1 = barObject[keyPath: fooBarKeyPath]
// return 1

let value2 = fooObject[keyPath: fooBarKeyPath]
// return nil

let anyKeyPathArray = [
// Array<AnyKeyPath>

In addition to described above, this type conforms to protocol _AppendKeyPath - this protocol allows us to modify keyPath by appending some components.

note: Apple mentions in header “do not use this protocol directly.”

let fooBarKeyPath: AnyKeyPath = \Foo.bar!
let barFooKeyPath: AnyKeyPath = \Bar.foo

let appendedKeyPath = fooBarKeyPath.appending(path: barFooKeyPath)
// ReferenceWritableKeyPath<AnotherTestObject, Optional<Int>>

let value3 = fooObject[keyPath: appendedKeyPath!]
// return 1

To describe rules of appending here is a quick image:


based on WWDC 17 #212 What’s New in Foundation

When we perform appending of different keyPath, we may receive different KeyPath class as result:

First Second Result
AnyKeyPath Anything AnyKeyPath?
PartialKeyPath AnyKeyPath or PartialKeyPath PartialKeyPath?
PartialKeyPath KeyPath or WritableKeyPath KeyPath?
PartialKeyPath ReferenceWritableKeyPath ReferenceWritableKeyPath?
KeyPath AnyKeyPath or PartialKeyPath 💥 Not possible 💥
KeyPath KeyPath or WritableKeyPath KeyPath
KeyPath ReferenceWritableKeyPath ReferenceWritableKeyPath
WritableKeyPath AnyKeyPath or PartialKeyPath 💥 Not possible 💥
WritableKeyPath KeyPath KeyPath
WritableKeyPath WritableKeyPath WritableKeyPath
WritableKeyPath ReferenceWritableKeyPath ReferenceWritableKeyPath
ReferenceWritableKeyPath AnyKeyPath or PartialKeyPath 💥 Not possible 💥
ReferenceWritableKeyPath KeyPath KeyPath
ReferenceWritableKeyPath WritableKeyPath or ReferenceWritableKeyPath ReferenceWritableKeyPath

source of this comparison table is described by Kevin Lundberg

If we looked into the header we could also find, that we have few more available public properties: a few required by a Hashable protocol, and also 2 more, that describe root type and value type:

/// The root type for this key path.
@inlinable public static var rootType: Any.Type { get }

/// The value type for this key path.
@inlinable public static var valueType: Any.Type { get }

If we check source code for KeyPath in swift, we can observe, that this values use _rootAndValueType value, that is implemented as follow:

internal class var _rootAndValueType: (root: Any.Type, value: Any.Type) {

where _abstract() defined as:

internal func _abstract(
  methodName: StaticString = #function,
  file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line
) -> Never {
  _fatalErrorMessage("abstract method", methodName, file: file, line: line,
      flags: _fatalErrorFlags())

For generic subclasses this method has a bit different implementation:

/// A key path from a specific root type to a specific resulting value type.
public class KeyPath<Root, Value>: PartialKeyPath<Root> {
  internal final override class var _rootAndValueType: (
    root: Any.Type,
    value: Any.Type
  ) {
    return (Root.self, Value.self)

Indeed, if we try to grab this 2 values from AnyKeyPath, we will get an fatalError:

//let anyKeyPathRootValue = AnyKeyPath.rootType
// Fatal error: Method must be overridden: file Swift/KeyPath.swift, line 140

But for types that is inherit from KeyPath (including), value about this types become available and we can obtain it easelly:

let concreateKeyPathRootValue = KeyPath<Bar, Int>.rootType 

let concreateKeyPathValueType = KeyPath<Bar, Int>.valueType

Why do this vaiables exists? This information used when different operations is tried to be performed within selected KeyPath. For example - appending, when we want to do this, on some internal step of this process:

internal func _tryToAppendKeyPaths<Result: AnyKeyPath>(
  root: AnyKeyPath,
  leaf: AnyKeyPath
) -> Result? {
  let (rootRoot, rootValue) = type(of: root)._rootAndValueType
  //_rootAndValueType - source for valueType and rootType
  let (leafRoot, leafValue) = type(of: leaf)._rootAndValueType
  // perform different comparison operations and 
  // append if possible based on input data


PartialKeyPath - A partially type-erased key path, from a concrete root type to any resulting value type.

More about idea - read here.

If we check implementation, we can see next:

public class PartialKeyPath<Root>: AnyKeyPath { }

Not much, the only difference is that this type holds information about the Root type. As result, this type knows about its base type:

final class Bar {
  var foo: Int?
  var fooBar: String?

let barObject = Bar()
barObject.foo = 1
barObject.fooBar = "hello"

let barPaths = [\Bar.foo, \Bar.fooBar]
// [PartialKeyPath<Bar>]

barPaths.forEach { (path) in
  print(barObject[keyPath: path])

// prints:
// Optional(1)
// Optional("hello")

This type of keyPath is also read-only.


KeyPath. This is a type, that describes not just a Root object, but also a value type.

For KeyPath we can check valueType and rootType:

let concreateKeyPathRootValue = KeyPath<Bar, Int>.rootType 

let concreateKeyPathValueType = KeyPath<Bar, Int>.valueType


But the most important - we have now information about valueType. Example of usage may be next:

extension Sequence {
  func transform<T, V>(
    transform byKeyPath: KeyPath<Element, T>,
    block: ((T) -> V)
  ) -> [V] {
    map { (object) -> V in
      block(object[keyPath: byKeyPath])

// Example:

struct FooBar {

  var bar: Int

let barsObjects = [
  FooBar(bar: 1),
  FooBar(bar: 2),
  FooBar(bar: 3)

let result = barsObjects
  .transform(transform: \FooBar.bar) {

print(result) // ["1", "2", "3"]

or u may want to use it in some logic like next:

protocol DataExpressible { }

struct DataInfo<Element>: Collection where Element: DataExpressible {
  typealias Index = Array<Element>.Index

  subscript(position: Index) -> Element {

  let components: [Element]

  var startIndex: Index {

  var endIndex: Index {

  func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
    components.index(after: i)

extension String {
  static var newLine: String { "\n" }

extension DataInfo where Element: LocalizedError {
  var log: String {
      description(for: \.errorDescription, separator: .newLine),
      description(for: \.failureReason, separator: .newLine),
      description(for: \.recoverySuggestion, separator: .newLine),
      description(for: \.helpAnchor, separator: .newLine)
    .compactMap({ $0 })
    .joined(separator: .newLine)

  private func description(
  			for keyPath: KeyPath<Element, String?>,
  			separator: String
  ) -> String {
      .compactMap { $0[keyPath: keyPath] }
      .joined(separator: separator)


WritableKeyPath This is the same as the previous type, but allows perform write in addition to read. A good note about this key-path - it’s only for value-type.

To explain this type it’s better to provide an example:

struct Some {

  let variable: Int

let someVar = Some(variable: 2)

let someKeyPath = \Some.variable
someVar[keyPath: someKeyPath] = 2


error: play.playground:172:8: error: cannot assign through subscript: 'someKeyPath' is a read-only key path
someVar[keyPath: someKeyPath] = 2

If we check type of someKeyPath:

type(of: someKeyPath) // KeyPath<Some, Int>

As I mentioned before, KeyPath - read-only. Now, let’s modify our Some struct:

struct Some {

   var variable: Int
// ^~~~~~~~~~~ changed let to var 

u also could resolve this issue by adding mutation keyword to a method that calls this keypath, but this is not the right decision.

If we now check someKeyPath:

type(of: someKeyPath) // WritableKeyPath<Some, Int>

Now, operations like someVar[keyPath: someKeyPath] = 2 allowed.

Example of usage:

// describe settingsService

protocol SettingsService: class {
    var didChange: NSNotification.Name { get }
    var isSoundsEnabled: Bool { get set }

// helper to store settings in UserDefaults
public struct UserDefaultValue<T> {
    private let key: String
    private let defaultValue: T

    public init(_ key: String, defaultValue: T) {
        self.key = key
        self.defaultValue = defaultValue

    public var wrappedValue: T {
        get {
            UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: key) as? T ?? defaultValue
        set {
            UserDefaults.standard.set(newValue, forKey: key)

// concrete realization of SettingsService
extension UserDefaults: SettingsService {
    private struct ValueStorage {
        @UserDefaultValue(SettingsDataKeys.isSoundsEnabled, defaultValue: true)
        static var isSoundsEnabled: Bool

        @UserDefaultValue(SettingsDataKeys.isVibroEnabled, defaultValue: true)
        static var isVibroEnabled: Bool

    var didChange: NSNotification.Name {
        get {
    var isSoundsEnabled: Bool {
        set { ValueStorage.isSoundsEnabled = newValue }
        get { ValueStorage.isSoundsEnabled  }
    // MARK: - Private
    private func value<T>(forKey key: String) -> T? {
        value(forKey: key) as? T

// And class where we can use keyPath in combination with dynamicMemberLookup

final class SettingsViewModel: ObservableObject {
    dynamicMember keyPath: WritableKeyPath<SettingsService, T>
	//		^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ) -> T {
        get { storage[keyPath: keyPath] }
        set { storage[keyPath: keyPath] = newValue }
    let objectWillChange = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>()
	// ...    
    private var storage: SettingsService
	// ..

// later on we can do something like:

viewModel.isSoundsEnabled = true
// or bind to 

I will tell more about dynamicMemberLookup in the next article

Sometimes u can omit


ReferenceWritableKeyPath. Same as the previous one, but now for a reference type. So this type was created specifically to support reading from and writing to the resulting value using reference semantics.

If we compare WritableKeyPath vs ReferenceWritableKeyPath - the fists one writes directly into a value-type base (inout or mutating), the second one writes into a reference-type base (simply invoking setter on reference type).


value observation

We also can use now keyPath for value obsevation:

var token: NSKeyvalueObservation = object
		.observe(\.bar, options: [.new]) { observer, changed in
	// do stuff with observer (object itself) and 
	// changed - NSKeyValueObsevedChange<Type> where Type - same as in \.bar
	// ...
token?.invalidate() // when not needed

WWDC 17 #212 What’s New in Foundation


In proposal SE-0249 described ideat that can add to key paths the ability to be used as functions.

Now this is implemented and can be used within Combine:

let responsePublisher = publisher
	// 			  	  ^~~~~~~~~
               .decode(type: FeedItem.self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
               .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)

Obj-C #keyPath

It’s also good to mention, that we still can use #keyPath for Objective-C code.

more Referencing Objective-C key-paths

download source code

In the next articles, I will cover other dynamic aspects of Swift.

Related articles:
