Recently, I encountered RSA encryption while working on a project and realized its critical role in securing data. RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) encryption is a public-key cryptographic system widely used for secure data transmission. Let’s explore its purpose, history, and functionality.

A Brief History of RSA

RSA was introduced in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman at MIT. It was the first algorithm for public-key cryptography that could encrypt and digitally sign data. Its foundation lies in number theory, specifically the difficulty of factoring large composite numbers, making it a reliable choice for securing communications.

How it Works

Below is a high-level overview of RSA’s process:

  1. Key Generation
    • Select two large prime numbers ( p ) and ( q ).
    • Compute ( n = p imes q ), where ( n ) is the modulus.
    • Calculate ( \phi(n) = (p-1) imes (q-1) ).
    • Choose a public exponent ( e ), and determine the private key ( d ), where ( d imes e \mod \phi(n) = 1 ).
  2. Encryption
    • Plaintext ( M ) is converted to ciphertext ( C ) using the public key ( (e, n) ):
      ( C = M^e \mod n ).
  3. Decryption
    • The recipient uses their private key ( d ) to decrypt ( C ):
      ( M = C^d \mod n ).

This ASCII diagram provides a simplified, yet complete visualization of how RSA encryption works:

Public vs. Private Key

  • Public Key: Shared openly; used to encrypt data or verify digital signatures.

  • Private Key: Kept secret; used to decrypt data or create digital signatures.
    This asymmetry ensures secure communication since only the holder of the private key can access encrypted messages or authenticate signatures.


Here we have few moments - private key is something that we don’t want to share, so we need to store this key somewhere in safe place.

Luckely for us, Apple already think about this, and using Security framework we can generate and store our key in keychain securely.

The process for rsa encryption will contains few steps:

  • generate or obtain generated keys
  • encrypt/decrypt value

Let’s review each step.

generate keys

As we want to manage both keys, we can simply wrap this idea into one model - RSAKeyModel:

public struct RSAKeyModel {

  private(set) var publicKey: SecKey
  private(set) var privateKey: SecKey

The most interesting part - it’s generating keys itself. For this purpose, let’s create a type, that will handle this - RSAProvider.

To generate key, we must provide all preferences that we need. Keeping in mind, that we need a storage for keys for future reuse, we can do the following:

let publicKeyAttr: CFDictionary = [
  kSecAttrIsPermanent: true,
  kSecAttrApplicationTag: publicKeyTag,
  kSecClass: kSecClassKey,
  kSecReturnData: kCFBooleanTrue ?? true
] as CFDictionary


  • kSecAttrIsPermanent: true: Indicates that the key will be stored persistently in the Keychain, so we can retrieve this key later and reuse.
  • kSecAttrApplicationTag: publicKeyTag: Tags the public key with an identifier (publicKeyTag) for future retrieval. This identifier can be anything, even the bundleID of u’r app.
  • kSecClass: kSecClassKey: Specifies that the object is a cryptographic key.
  • kSecReturnData: kCFBooleanTrue: Ensures the raw key data is returned after creation. This is needed so we can start using it exactly after creation.

For private key settings will be same, except kSecAttrApplicationTag.

Having this settings in place, we also must provide Key Pair Generation Parameters:

let parameters: CFDictionary = [
  kSecAttrKeyType: kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
  kSecAttrKeySizeInBits: size,
  kSecPublicKeyAttrs: publicKeyAttr,
  kSecPrivateKeyAttrs: privateKeyAttr
] as CFDictionary


  • kSecAttrKeyType: kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA: Specifies the key type as RSA.
  • kSecAttrKeySizeInBits: size: Sets the key size (e.g., 2048 or 4096 bits) from the keySize property.
  • kSecPublicKeyAttrs and kSecPrivateKeyAttrs: Links the previously defined attributes for public and private keys.

With this settings in place, we can generate the key-pair:

var error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>? = nil
guard let privateKey = SecKeyCreateRandomKey(parameters, error),
  let publicKey = SecKeyCopyPublicKey(privateKey) else {
  throw RSAProviderFailure.keyGenerationFailed(error as! Error)
  • SecKeyCreateRandomKey: Generates a new private key based on the parameters. If successful, it stores the private key in the Keychain.
  • SecKeyCopyPublicKey: Extracts the corresponding public key from the private key.
  • If either function fails, an exception is thrown using the RSAProviderFailure.keyGenerationFailed error (this is custom one, u may create u’r own).

And the last, but not least - create our keyPait object for future use:

RSAKeyModel(publicKey: publicKey, privateKey: privateKey)

There are could be some enchansment as:

  • Key Permissions: Add attributes to restrict key usage (e.g., encryption only).
  • Error Handling Improvements: Safely unwrap and describe error for better debugging.
  • Performance Testing: Evaluate how key sizes affect performance and usability.

But for basic usage approach described above will be fully ok.

One more thing - retrieving key from keychain.

To do so, we must create a query for it, qury require some additional info:

let query: CFDictionary = [
  kSecClass: kSecClassKey,
  kSecAttrApplicationTag: keyTagFor(keyType: keyType),
  kSecAttrKeyType: kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
  kSecReturnRef: kCFBooleanTrue ?? true
] as CFDictionary

var item: CFTypeRef?
let status = SecItemCopyMatching(query, &item)


  • kSecClass: kSecClassKey: Specifies the type of object being queried, which is a cryptographic key (kSecClassKey).
  • kSecAttrApplicationTag: A unique identifier (keyType can be .public or .private). This tag is used to distinguish the key being fetched.
  • kSecAttrKeyType: kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA: Indicates that the key is an RSA key.
  • kSecReturnRef: kCFBooleanTrue: Ensures the query returns a reference to the key (SecKey) if found.
  • SecItemCopyMatching: Queries the Keychain for the key matching the specified attributes.
  • Return Value: The status variable contains the result of the query


Now, having our keys in place, we can start working on protection for our data - encrypting and decryption. Let’s wrap everything in type named RSACryptor.

To create a method that can encrypts a plaintext string into ciphertext using an RSA public key and a specified encryption algorithm we will utilize Apple’s Security framework.

The basic idea - select algorithm, keys and encrypt data:

let algorithm: SecKeyAlgorithm = .rsaEncryptionOAEPSHA256
// check if everything is ok
SecKeyIsAlgorithmSupported(keys.publicKey, .encrypt, algorithm) 
// encrypt
  data as CFData,

The decrypt process is similar:

let algorithm: SecKeyAlgorithm = .rsaEncryptionOAEPSHA256
// check if everything is ok
SecKeyIsAlgorithmSupported(keys.privateKey, .decrypt, algorithm)
  encryptedData as CFData,

For more easy usage we may also need convinience functions to convert String, Data and SecKey between each other. Because u retrieve keys from Keychain as a Data and use SecKey in the process. U also may need to send publickey via network.

To do so, we can add some extensions:

extension Data {

  // MARK: Data+Convert

  func toPublicSecKey() throws -> SecKey {
  let options: [CFString: Any] = [
  kSecAttrKeyType: kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
  kSecAttrKeyClass: kSecAttrKeyClassPublic // <- for private key use kSecAttrKeyClassPrivate
  var error: Unmanaged<CFError>?
  guard let key = SecKeyCreateWithData(
  self as CFData,
  options as CFDictionary,
  ) else {
  throw error!.takeRetainedValue() as Error

  return key

To convert SecKey into data:

extension SecKey {

  // MARK: SecKey+Convert

  func toData() throws -> Data {
  var error: Unmanaged<CFError>?
  guard let data = SecKeyCopyExternalRepresentation(self, &error) as? Data else {
  throw error!.takeRetainedValue() as Error
  return data

  func toBase64EncodedString() throws -> String {
  let data = try self.toData()
  return data.base64EncodedString()

U done! ;]


 do {
 let rsaProvider = try RSAProvider(identifier: "test3", keySize: .size4096)
 let pair = try rsaProvider.obtainKeysPair()

 let message = "hello 1.2.3"
 let cryptor = RSACryptor(keys: pair)
 let msgEncryptedData = try cryptor.encrypt(plainTextInput: message)
 let decryptedMsg = try cryptor.decrypt(encryptedData: msgEncryptedData)

 print("public key - \(try pair.publicKeyString())")
 print("private key - \(try pair.privateKeyString())")
 print("message to encrypt - \(message)")
 print("msgEncryptedData - \(msgEncryptedData.base64EncodedString())")
 print("decrypted info - \(decryptedMsg)")
 } catch {
 print("failure - \(error)")


public key - MIICCgK...ySPAk0CAwEAAQ==
private key - MIIJJwIBAA...7hROKkymQEMg==
message to encrypt - hello 1.2.3
msgEncryptedData - ROPAHEzf...ccpbaU6TVLmLyID4YrDXNZkg=
decrypted info - hello 1.2.3

Source code

The source code available here

Best Practices

  1. Always validate input sizes when encrypting or decrypting data with RSA to avoid errors.
  2. Use modern padding schemes like OAEP for enhanced security.
  3. Store private keys securely using Keychain with appropriate access controls.
  4. Regularly update encryption algorithms and key sizes as cryptographic standards evolve.
  5. Avoid hardcoding keys in your codebase; instead, use secure storage mechanisms.
