swift iOS COW copy-on-write collection sequence Estimated reading time: 7 minutesWhenever u do something u need data. This can be anything - from a small set of information to a huge amount of bytes. The key moment in any case - is how we can handle this data.
The answer - is by using data structures such as collections.
Swift come with a great set of collections - from Set
, Array
, Dictionary
to some specific one like ArraySlice
, CollectionOfOne
or KeyValuePairs
The common stuff of all of these types are conformance to Collection
and so to Sequence
the Family
If we check official documentations, we can find the next structure of the relationship in collection’s family:
Here we can see 2 fundamental types - Sequence
and Collection
. Using them, there are a few additional types, that bring to us great functionality.
According to doc - “A type that provides sequential, iterated access to its elements.”.
gives to us the possibility to use iterated access to its elements.
To be more specific, the sequence has an Iterator
- a type that can help us to iterate over the elements in a sequence.
This process is well-known by everyone - each time u use a loop - u use an iterator. This can be done thanks to IteratorProtocol
A huge amount of types conform to this protocol. If u like, u also can adopt u’r type to this protocol. Iterator
should generate elements from u’r data type:
public protocol IteratorProtocol {
associatedtype Element
mutating func next() -> Self.Element?
There are a lot of types that adopt IteratorProtocol
like StrideThroughIterator
or IndexingIterator
We can use any of these types or we can directly adopt IteratorProtocol
to our type.
let exampleData = [1,2,3,4,5]
// IndexingIterator<[Int]>
var exampleIterator = exampleData.makeIterator()
var element: Int? =
repeat {
element =
while element != nil
The output:
Or we can create our iterator:
final class Generator<Output>: IteratorProtocol {
private let data: [Output]
private var index: Int
init(data: [Output]) { = data
// usage of index allows to use COW
self.index = data.startIndex
func next() -> Output? {
if index < data.endIndex {
defer { index += 1 }
return data[index]
} else {
return nil
func hasMore() -> Bool {
index != data.endIndex
let generator = Generator(data: exampleData)
while generator.hasMore() {
We can also create some dedicated Iterator like this:
struct DataIterator<Element>: IteratorProtocol {
var storage: [Element]
mutating func next() -> Element? {
but be careful - thus this iterator requires a copy of the u’r data structure (as soon as u call storage.removeFirst()
) and COW can’t be used here.
I wrote a separate article about COW available here
At the same time, Apple uses a similar approach and is not worried about additional memory needed for iterators - for example, check this MinimalIterator
internal class _MinimalIteratorSharedState<Element> {
internal init(_ data: [Element]) { = data
internal let data: [Element]
internal var i: Int = 0
internal var underestimatedCount: Int = 0
public func next() -> Element? {
if i == data.count {
return nil
defer { i += 1 }
return data[i]
the Sequence
- a set of elements of a given type. In other words - this is a set of data with which we want to make some operations.
protocol provides a lot of nice functions and additions for any type, that conforms it.
The one hidden
(too many people, due to unknown reason for me) function that can bring u a lot of power - is lazy iteration. This can be done thanks to the LazySequenceProtocol
Every time, when u use the .lazy
property on any sequence u got the LazySequence<T>
type - this type allows u to make some lazy job by introducing the eager approach.
Thanks to this, we can have the only computations we need.
let transform = { "I'm a number \($0)" }
// at this moment nothing happens
// only 1 element was transformed
There is a lot of other useful functionality within Sequence
like zip
, reduce
, filter
, and others. I recommend reviewing it on u’r own.
- the protocol, that adopts to Sequence
and so contains all the functions described above and some additional. The most useful - is indexing - which lets us access an element at a given index.
A sequence whose elements can be traversed multiple times, nondestructively, and accessed by an indexed subscript. as mentioned in docs.
also includes a lot of functionality as a gift for us ;]. In addition - there are a lot of subprotocols that bring even more functions - like mutation or random access.
for example - adopt all collection-based protocols.
Let’s briefly review each protocol and functionality that it brings to us.
Thanks to this collection, we can use subscript (a great syntax with square brackets - []).
this allows us to get/set values, so opens doors for collection mutability.
The one point that needs to remember - this protocol does not allow collection length change. The good moment - this improves performance.
It also needs to know, that each protocol offers additional functionality. The most interesting from this protocol are: partition
, reverse
, sort
, swap
and others.
This protocol also provide functionality for manage memory of the collection - withContiguousMutableStorageIfAvailable
The next one protocol - RangeReplaceableCollection
- provide functionality for replacement of an arbitrary subrange of elements with the elements of another collection.
By adopting this protocol we can insert and remove elements from the collection, so the change of the collection can be changed.
The most interesting functions are - +
, removeLast
, removeFirst
This collection adds supports for backward as well as for forwarding traversal. This means that u can obtain some index before another one. The only method that needs to be implemented - is index(before:)
The most used methods/properties that become available when adopting this collection - are reversed
, startIndex
, endIndex
, and indices
The most useful, as for me, - indices
. This property returns valid indexes for subscripts.
let array = [1,2,3,4,5]
let range = array[1..<array.endIndex]
// crash - Out of bounds exception
// let value = range[0]
// now ok
let value = array[range.indices.lowerBound]
// alternative
let value = Array(range)[0]
- supports efficient random-access index traversal.
This protocol brings some improvement in access to the elements - all at the same constant time. As sad in docs - Random-access collections can move indices any distance and measure the distance between indices in O(1) time. Therefore, the fundamental difference between random-access and bidirectional collections is that operations that depend on index movement or distance measurement offer significantly improved efficiency.
Similar to LazySequenceProtocol
, but for collection and provides operations such as map and filter implemented lazily.
Custom collection
To implement custom collection we should twice think if we need this. If so - select the needed functionality set and select protocols that must be adopted.
For example
implements all of the collection protocols
I won’t provide some custom examples, instead - u can check the official git for Collection sp from Apple and any of its custom collections, for example Deque.
The code will guide u over each possible protocol and steps that are needed.
Few more advice:
- every type can be a collection (or at least adopt some of the protocols and receive a bunch of functionality for free). This can be u’r training plan, events in the calendar, budget, ROI set… anything.
- to make u’r collection even handier - use
. This will allow u to use well-know syntax for u’r collection. - add custom subscripts - the one that accepts u’r data type.
- swift-collections sp
- Book “Swift in depth” by Tjeerd in’t Veen
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