Debugging - is not just a process for finding and fixing bugs - for me, this is a great way to find out how actually the program works. To do so, we should be able to detect any change at any memory address.

Often, breakpoints can help a lot within this task, but for some cases, such technique simply can’t help us - imagine a case, when we would like to detect a moment, when some constant is read from the memory, of some variable is write to memory. In other words - when some value at a certain memory address is read or written. Breakpoints have no power here. Of cause, accessors (like getter and setter) can help a lot in some cases, but, not always.

Watchpoint instead, does not require some instruction in code to be set, all that needs for them - is an address in memory which we would like to monitor and inspect.

Articles in this series:

watch the memory


Thus watchpoint works with memory address and monitor memory change, we should somehow obtain the address of a variable or use the name of the variable that is available in the current scope.

If we talking about the name of the variable - everything is quite simple - just use its name. But, if we would like to get a notification when some ivar changes (for example in Obj-C), we should use a memory address. To deal with it, we can use the next command:

(lldb) language objc class-table dump <ClassName> -v

Let’s play a bit. First, let’s create a class:

class SomeClass {
  var myVariable: String?
  var mySecondVariable: Int?

then, we can create an instance and play a bit with this command:

let classObj = SomeClass()
classObj.mySecondVariable = 2
classObj.myVariable = "Hello world!"    

The first try:

(lldb) language objc class-table dump SomeClass -v
isa = 0x10219c210 name = _TtC7testApp9SomeClass instance size = 41 num ivars = 0 superclass = _TtCs12_SwiftObject

Let’t add superclass for SomeClass as NSObject and repeat operation:

(lldb) language objc class-table dump SomeClass -v
isa = 0x1007381f0 name = _TtC7testApp9SomeClass instance size = 33 num ivars = 0 superclass = NSObject
  instance method name = init type = @16@0:8
  instance method name = .cxx_destruct type = v16@0:8

As u can see, swift doesn’t provide direct access to ivars, so an alternative to watchpoints here is willGet and willSet.

Within Obj-C, we can see offset for each ivar from the base address. To check this out, let’s create a pure Obj-C class:


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>


@interface DemoClass : NSObject

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *someVariable;




#import "DemoClass.h"

@implementation DemoClass


And repeating the same operation:

(lldb) po demoClass
<DemoClass: 0x600000794610>

(lldb) language objc class-table dump DemoClass -v
isa = 0x102c54330 name = DemoClass instance size = 16 num ivars = 1 superclass = NSObject
  ivar name = _someVariable type = id size = 8 offset = 8
  instance method name = setSomeVariable: type = v24@0:8@16
  instance method name = someVariable type = @16@0:8
  instance method name = .cxx_destruct type = v16@0:8

Now, we can see that ivar _someVariable has size 8 and offset 8. Using this information we can grab the base address and add this offset to get ivar memory address.

(lldb) p/x 0x600000794610 + 8
(long) $1 = 0x0000600000794618
// or 
(lldb) print/x 0x600000794610 + 8
(long) $1 = 0x0000600000794618

p (short for print) - is a command available in lldb that allows u to format types in a certain manner. /x mean hex. Here is the full format list available in lldb.

Here, we grab the base address of the object in the heap and add an offset equal to 8 (according to class-dumb info). As result, we got the address of ivar, which holds the NSString value.

adding the watchpoint

To add a watchpoint we can use the next command:

w e s -- 0x0000600000794618

w e s is short for watchpoint expression set - lldb commands can be invoked with a short version of first symbols from commands if there is no conflict within other commands.


(lldb) w s e -- 0x0000600000794618
Watchpoint created: Watchpoint 1: addr = 0x600000794618 size = 8 state = enabled type = w
    new value: -5147790661703735024

And here one more helpful command - list. These commands similar to the one used within breakpoints - simply return the list of available watchpoints:

(lldb) watchpoint list
Number of supported hardware watchpoints: 4
Current watchpoints:
Watchpoint 1: addr = 0x600000794618 size = 8 state = enabled type = w
    new value: -5147790661703735024

Now, we can test this. To do so we should simply update the value of someVariable:

(lldb) e -l objc -O -- [((DemoClass *)0x600000794610) setSomeVariable: @"Hello there!"];

The result will be interrupted due to the existing watchpoint:

error: Execution was interrupted, reason: watchpoint 1.
The process has been returned to the state before expression evaluation.

As u can see, our watchpoint works as expected. To be more concrete - u can try to change the variable by any other action (for example button press) - the code will be interrupted and paused on created watchpoint.

Also, if we check the current value of the someVariable - it’s updated as expected:

(lldb) e -l objc -O -- [(DemoClass *)0x600000794610 someVariable];
Hello there!

We also can check variable directly:

(lldb) po *((__unsafe_unretained NSString **)(0x600000794618));
Hello there!

we used here double dereference, because we passing a pointer to NSString *, and this pointer also a pointer…

for debugging purpose we can ommit __unsafe_unretained and simply call *(( NSString **)(0x600000794618));

more about __unsafe_unretained. Here also a good explanation by Brad Larson

As u can see, watchpoint is a powerful tool for monitoring any memory-related changes in objects and variables. Above I mention that we can monitor either address of memory either variable - keep in mind, that under variable I mean that we can set watchpoint even to some ivar inside another object that is currently available in context:

w s variable <objec->ivar>

Again, w s is just a short for watchpoint set


set type

We can also configure few options for watchpoint set expression:

-s <byte-size> ( --size <byte-size> )
    Number of bytes to use to watch a region.
    Values: 1 | 2 | 4 | 8

-w <watch-type> ( --watch <watch-type> )
    Specify the type of watching to perform.
    Values: read | write | read_write


w s e -w write -s 8 -- 0x0000600001414298
set conditions

Another good moment - we can add a condition to watchpoint as it was done within breakpoint previously. To do so just create watchpoint and then modify it using -c flag:

(lldb) w l
Number of supported hardware watchpoints: 4
Current watchpoints:
Watchpoint 1: addr = 0x600000b2c568 size = 8 state = enabled type = w
    old value: -8671835945046180749
    new value: -8671835945046279053
(lldb) w modify 1 -c '([*(( NSString **)(0x0000600000b2c568)) isEqual:@"15"])'
1 watchpoints modified.

(lldb) w l
Number of supported hardware watchpoints: 4
Current watchpoints:
Watchpoint 1: addr = 0x600000b2c568 size = 8 state = enabled type = w
    old value: -8671835945046180749
    new value: -8671835945046279053
    condition = '([*(( NSString **)(0x0000600000b2c568)) isEqual:@"15"])'

Here, we list all watchpoints, then modify the one using condition:

“stop when someVariable in demoClass instance object isEqual to 15”.

I added a button and increment tapCount value, and in someVariable stored stringRepresentation of tapCount value.

When this condition is true, watchpoint is called:

Watchpoint 1 hit:
old value: -8671835945046279053
new value: -8671835945046246285
(lldb) po ([*(( NSString **)(0x0000600000b2c568)) isEqual:@"15"])

(lldb) po (NSString *)-8671835945046246285


Editing a watchpoint can be done using modify command. There are not many ways to edit it:

-c <expr> ( --condition <expr> )
    The watchpoint stops only if this condition expression evaluates to true.

Real example of modification already shown above :] .


Listing available watchpoints also can be done using similar command list:

(lldb) w l
(lldb) watchpoint list


To delete a watchpoint simple use the same-name command:

(lldb) watchpoint delete 1
(lldb) w delete 1

to delete all - simply omit the last param

understanding context

Setting the watchpoint is just a half of the job - another part is to understand whats causes the change.

To do so we can use same commands as we used for breakpoints (thread backtrace or frame variable <name>, etc) (read about breakpoints here).

One more good point to mention is when watchpoint hit, we will see a specific message:

Watchpoint 1 hit:
old value: -8671887165918691125
new value: -8671835945045623701

This is nothing but values. To check the values:

(lldb) po (NSString *)-8671887165918691125

(lldb) po (NSString *)-8671835945045623701
Hello there!

In addition, we can use few more useful commands:

(lldb) disassemble -m -F intel

On my M1 mac I got an error - unsupported flavor:

(lldb) disassemble -m -F intel
error: Disassembler flavors are currently only supported for x86 and x86_64 targets.

read more about this command here

Articles in this series:
