• Train the mind to solve

    Often, during development and in real life we face various problems that are hard or even impossible (at first look) to solve. As a result, some of us look for alternatives or even give up by accepting simpler or different ways, and another part continues to gnaw the problem until … read more »

  • Battery indicator in flutter

    Some time ago I started to play with flutter and dart. As for me - it looks very good: language available functionality within, platforms and support for various features - looks very promising.

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  • Another language, same approach

    Exchange and process data - is an essential part of any modern application. U can’t achieve results without data. Sometimes data can be produced or obtained from remote sources.

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  • Probe of software design with Alloy

    Sometimes we have an idea and we want to check that this idea has a realistic chance for life. In other words, we want to check the design of the idea. If we are talking about software - often we want to check the design of some approach.

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  • Automate everything

    Automation of each small amount of work that is repeatedly needed in your daily work can significantly speed up everything.

    … read more »
  • BeagleBone® Blue - duplicate & distribute

    One more post related to Beaglebone® Blue. At this time I just want to put here small notes about making a bootable self-flashing SD card with a pre-configured board config, so distribution becomes more painless.

    … read more »
  • BeagleBone® Blue - debug as root

    Depending on the app’s functionality and our needs, u may faced with a situation, when u need root permission to do certain things on the PC - open some port for network connection or use memory binding or some other stuff.

    During developing an app for Beaglebone® Blue I … read more »

  • SSH vs Eclipse - not a friend anymore?

    Often during development, we need to have access to the filesystem. Password-based access is not always a way u want to use, ssh is here for rescue.

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  • BeagleBone® Blue - remote debug

    In the last few articles, I covered the intro theme related to Beaglebone® Blue. So for now, we already have configured connection to the board and Eclipse installed and configured for cross-compile process. But what we want - is an option to debug in real-time, reviewing and examining variables … read more »

  • BeagleBone® Blue - Hello to you

    Recently I got a Beaglebone® Blue board that uses Linux and provides a wide possibilities for u’r creativity. Using this board u can create a lot of stuff and cover wide areas - from home automation to production purposes.

    To utilize such a possibility u need to set up … read more »

  • MacBook's Journey to Linux - Part 4: Speak to me.

    In the last few articles, I cover the process of Linux configuration using MacBookPro14,3 hardware. Not every aspect of the system works as expected out of the box - video, audio, wifi, and other system components need additional attention. In this article, I’ll cover how u can fix audio.

    … read more »
  • BeagleBone® Blue - initial config via serial port

    Configuring Beaglebone Blue board requires a few additional steps before we can use the ssh connection. In this article, I want to cover how to prepare a board to comfort development by configuring ssh and wifi.

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  • MacBook's Journey to Linux - Part 3: My little fairies

    Configuration of the system requires a lot of actions and tasks. Without a terminal, this can quickly become a nightmare.

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  • MacBook's Journey to Linux - Part 2: Bring the light!

    In previous post related to the configuration of Linux on MacBookPro14,3 I mentioned, that we have a problem with wifi. In this article, I want to describe how to solve this.

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  • MacBook's Journey to Linux - Part 1: Hello world!

    Recently I faced a task, that required me usage of Linux. I’m not a very experienced user of this OS, so I spent some time investigating this question.

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  • Know your tools - Part 2

    This is a second part of the post related to practical usafe of well-known algorithm.

    In this part I just want to cover the idea of visualization for the process.

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  • Coffee Mania

    In the ethereal world of development, where lines of code weave the fabric of innovation, and the hum of creativity is fueled by the elixir of productivity, a vision was born quite some time ago. Today, that vision becomes a reality as Coffee Mania makes its debut, the culmination of … read more »

  • Know your tools

    I like to solve some interesting task - the one of the last one has no practical use, but instead just allows me to remind some algorithms and steps for solving problems.

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  • All the world around

    Making interactive components it’s always fun and interesting - u may discover something unknown for u or dive into some area that looks simple at first.

    Country - is a part of our world. Often we must specify or change some aspect depending on this value. Creating components that allows … read more »

  • Antumbra

    Testing push notifications sometimes can be a problematic process. In one of the previous posts I covered base practices and how we can do that.

    Another moment that was covered in that post - I show my dev tool for testing: pushHandle. It was a raw tool … read more »

  • Custom SegmentControl in SwiftUI

    Making a great UI and UX often requires making something unique and nice. This almost always requires us, as developers, in such cases to create a custom component.

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  • the brain

    Programming is a skill that uses our brains. We want to be professional, we want to be able to complete any task, and we want to be able to solve any bug. The main instrument that we can use - is our brain.

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  • c function replacement

    Development is a complex process and consists of a lot of parts. Sometimes we use parts that we didn’t write and so have no control over them.

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  • Firebase push notification

    Informing users about some events it’s an almost essential part of any modern mobile app. On both most popular platforms (iOS, and Android) we can integrate push notifications - something small and intuitive for users, something that can bring a part of the u’r app closer and faster to the … read more »

  • Global Regular Expressions Print

    Searching… How many times did u search for something on u’r work during the last few days? 100, 200, or even more times. I think a bit - all our work is about searching. We search for a solution, we search for an answer, we search inputs, code, reason… endless … read more »

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