Coffee Mania
In the ethereal world of development, where lines of code weave the fabric of innovation, and the hum of creativity is fueled by the elixir of productivity, a vision was born quite some time ago. Today, that vision becomes a reality as Coffee Mania makes its debut, the culmination of … read more »
Know your tools
I like to solve some interesting task - the one of the last one has no practical use, but instead just allows me to remind some algorithms and steps for solving problems.
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All the world around
Making interactive components it’s always fun and interesting - u may discover something unknown for u or dive into some area that looks simple at first.
Country - is a part of our world. Often we must specify or change some aspect depending on this value. Creating components that allows … read more »
Testing push notifications sometimes can be a problematic process. In one of the previous posts I covered base practices and how we can do that.
Another moment that was covered in that post - I show my dev tool for testing:
. It was a raw tool … read more » -
Custom SegmentControl in SwiftUI
Making a great UI and UX often requires making something unique and nice. This almost always requires us, as developers, in such cases to create a custom component.
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the brain
Programming is a skill that uses our brains. We want to be professional, we want to be able to complete any task, and we want to be able to solve any bug. The main instrument that we can use - is our brain.
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c function replacement
Development is a complex process and consists of a lot of parts. Sometimes we use parts that we didn’t write and so have no control over them.
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Firebase push notification
Informing users about some events it’s an almost essential part of any modern mobile app. On both most popular platforms (iOS, and Android) we can integrate push notifications - something small and intuitive for users, something that can bring a part of the u’r app closer and faster to the … read more »
Global Regular Expressions Print
Searching… How many times did u search for something on u’r work during the last few days? 100, 200, or even more times. I think a bit - all our work is about searching. We search for a solution, we search for an answer, we search inputs, code, reason… endless … read more »
#include <sys/ptrace.h>
What do we often think that debugging is? Is this just a bug fix? Let’s check the definition of this word - according to Oxford vocabularie its the process of identifying and removing errors from computer hardware or software.
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Making an app always requires a lot of debugging and testing. Sometimes additional information must be provided to the u’r QA team. But often this info is not needed on prod build.
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Senior… What does it mean?
According to Merriam-Webster vocabulary, it’s a privileged status attained by the length of continuous service. But if we are talking about our profession? Does this mean that if u worked for 10 years - u are the coolest and most knowledgeable one, and so … read more »
Think in advance
Making stuff correctly always requires more effort and more actions. Result - always returns to u with nice additions.
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Android measurement units
How we can determine the value of something - measure it.
In programming the same thing - we need to have the ability to measure every component and detail of the app UI to make it pixel perfect.
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Navigation in Android
Navigation - is an essential component of any app (or almost any - some can have just 1 screen ;]).
To create navigation we often use platform-specific tools provided by platforms authors.
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Reusable component in Android
Reuse - the biggest advance. Reuse ask us to make the stuff in a more generic, abstract way. Thanks to it, we think better, wider and we try to think about all cases (even the rare ones).
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To protect something we should know about possible vulnerabilities. Often, the most dangerous one is the most simple one.
Well-known is a denial-of-service attack or simply a DoS attack.
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My first android animation
I love animations. I do them a lot within the iOS system. But recently I have faced with Android system, where I need to implement the same animation as I did for iOS.
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Everything created by a human can be broken by a human. That’s the main rule. The good question - how.
Every device, that works online is vulnerable. In this article, I would like to describe the old and well-known problem related to printers - port 9100.
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Startup on macOS
More and more providers would like if someone to use the app they produce. One option - make them auto-runnable within OS, or by introducing some additional services that can do the dirty job for them. Dirty - because the app didn’t ask u about this - like u or … read more »
Jekyll comments with utteranc.es
My blog is built on Jekyll - it’s a simple and easy-to-use static website. A lot of plugins can be used and added to it. One of the areas, where we can use such plugins - is comments.
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Whenever u do something u need data. This can be anything - from a small set of information to a huge amount of bytes. The key moment in any case - is how we can handle this data.
The answer - is by using data structures such as collections.
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Swift provides a lot of optimizations and swiftiness to our codebase and to the way how we can code and handle different cases. There are a lot of concepts, that help to make swiftiness real.
One of such concept - COW.
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Real-time communication
Networking, I guess, is one of the features that is used almost in every app. There are a lot of approaches to how we can use some remote resources using a network.
Various architecture styles like (REST or SOAP), secured/non-secured options in combination with different software structures and … read more »
Shitty-code feeling
Creating a program should be a fun and interesting task. But, often, when I work on some project (mostly in those where some support is needed), I have a feeling that I don’t want to fix some bug or to resolve some issue or even to add some functionality.
Personally, … read more »